There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as the guys sang Working Man.
Sign our guest book below
Name: Brad Cooke
City: Huntsville
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
One couldn’t ask for a greater group of ambassadors to represent their Country, Province or the small towns from which they come. We had the pleasure of serving them supper, twice! There was no shortage of humour, history and of course, music. Each night they stood and sang for us in the restaurant. Other patrons in the restaurant left their seats and gathered around to pay homage to these men and their incredibly beautiful harmonies. I just tried to buy 2 tickets to the Markham show , there were no seats together left. Oh well, I’ll just have to leave the Mrs. at home, gosh I’m going to miss her.
Take care fellows and God bless
Name: Donald Lamond
City: Peterborough
Guestbook Entry:
Thanks for a wonderful show last night. My uncle Russell Mackay was a coal miner from New Waterford who played guitar, although he never sang with you. He’d be about 100 now. Our family listened to your music but I had never been to a concert before. Also loved hearing “Song from the Mira” again; that’s where I spent a month every summer (by Albert Bridge) with my dad’s extended family. “Working Man” had my wife in tears. Best wishes for a safe return home.
Name: Lisa Briscoe
City: Kearney
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
It was my 59th Birthday and I celebrated by seeing Men of the Deeps, in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. I had the honour to hear them sing Happy Birthday to me. It was spectacular! I cried, laughed and got goose bumps through my whole body. It is a birthday I will never forget. You are a beautiful harmonized group with fantastic fiddler too. Oh and your director is wonderful. I just can not say enough and now I am looking for your 2020 schedule? Thank you so much for making my Birthday an unforgettable day. Your Christmas CD is playing constantly! FANTASTIC.
Name: Britany Chorley
City: Dwight
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
My Grandmother bought us tickets for the Deerhurts preformance in Huntsville because when she was visiting in Nova Scotia she happened to catch the last 15 or so minutes of your set and LOVED it. I’ve never left Ontario but the preformance was amazing. Truely brings you into a slight image of what it would have been like. We bith cried a bit during the song for Papa amd laughed during the jokes brought by the mining manager. Overall it was such an amazing event and would 10/10 love to see again and reccomend. Best way to spend our Sunday afternoon.
Name: Mark Gordon McCullough
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Enjoyed your performance at Meaford Hall last night
Name: Wayne Bester
City: Berkeley
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Hi there. Mel Aucoin called tonight to say you fellas were in Meaford tonight and that you may be performing the song I wrote about coal mining in New Waterford/Glace Bay area. I wish with all my heart I would have known about the show, I would definitely have been there. I am humbled that you would perform Dig No More and thank you so much for doing this..Sincerely, Wayne Bester
Name: Helga Dunn
City: Woodstock
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We saw you perform at the Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts in Brantford, Ontario Canada yesterday afternoon (27 November 2019). We were literally blown away by everyone’s talents and your songs and tasteful music are so beautiful. Both my husband and I were in tears at times, especially during your ‘Working Man’ performance. Your director was amazing as well and he has done a fine job with the group. Equally as amazing was the fiddle player, Colin Grant. I hope that you all stay healthy so that we will have the opportunity to see you all perform many more times in the future. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to Canada and we have great respect for each and every one of you. Thanks again for such an amazing concert.
Name: Jennifer Proulx
City: Ottawa
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Thank-you gentlemen for an evening I will treasure. Please return to Ottawa and the Shenkman Arts Centre very soon. Thanks for the stories and laughs. Merry Christmas to all !
Name: Mark Alldread
City: London
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Thank you all for the most enjoyable concert I have ever attended. You are all so talented, entertaining, genuine and funny. I could not imagine knowing you were performing somewhere close by and not attending. That was the best entertainment bang for the buck I have had the pleasure of taking part in. I look forward to the next time I attend a concert and in the mean time your CD’s will keep us going.
Name: Jennifer young
City: Rockland
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Caught your show last night at the Shenkman center in Orleans. WONDERFUL! Although I’m not from Cape Breton, I grew up in Nova Scotia so feel a connection to your songs. Anyone who gets a chance, should go see you live!
Thank you for a wonderful evening!
Name: kim lloyd
City: sackville
Province/State: NS
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I was at your show on Nov 24 at Knox Church in Lower Sackville. It was AMAZING! I loved every moment. Singing along with the songs and seeing people dancing in the aisles was so wonderful. At the end I got to talk to one of the miners and even wear his helmet for a photo with him. He told me he had been in the mine for 27 years. I cant imagine. Thank you for such a beautiful start to the holidays. It is an evening I will treasure and remember the rest of my life. God bless all of you
Name: Janice (Nolan) McKenna
City: ya artmouth
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Saw your show last after many years, absolutely amazing..the nicest birthday present I could have received absolutely .amazing.Ontario is in for a real treat..
Name: Jill McKenna
City: Westminster
Province/State: California
Country: USA
Guestbook Entry:
Heard about you from someone in an online forum and played some of your stuff on YouTube. WOW. i’m touched and impressed. LOVE your signing. It’s fresh and clear and straightforward. I’m descended from a bunch of Pennsylvania coal miners (bituminous — not sure what kind of coal is in NS?) so I feel particularly interested in coal-mining communities in general. I hope to buy one of your CDs if that’s possible with customs, etc. All the best, jill
Name: Doug Kerr
City: St. Catharines, Ontario
Province/State: ON-Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Have been to many concerts here in St. Catharines for many years and all of you provide OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES year after year…THANK YOU !
Name: Glen
City: Edmonton
Province/State: Alberta
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I’ve only had the chance to see you on t.v. Never live.
I don’t go to many concerts, but you are one show that I would pay big dollars to see.
Any plans on coming to Edmonton in 2020?
Name: Patti Duggan
City: Vernon
Province/State: BC
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We first saw you on TV with Rita MacNeil and I’ll never forget the power of you all emerging with your headlamps and although no familiarity with coal miners other than my Grandfather mined in Wales, the emotion was stunning. Your performance last night, following the tour underground with Eric, was another highlight of our trip across Canada. Choked up at times, hand clapping in rhythm, laughing at the “stories” told – thank you so much. And to Gillian and Emily – the museum staff who kept our dogs in the cool of the building so we could go “down under” – your friendliness and kindness was just so appreciated. You should all continue to be very proud.
Name: Barry Millett
City: Cornwall
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Had the privilege to attend your performance in Louisburg. Simply wonderful. Congratulations
Name: Robert Fabian Young
City: Oromocto
Province/State: New Brunswick
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
You guys are great, keeping the memory of miners alive through your music. I tend to get emotional listening to your music though. My grandfather was a miner Fabian Young, sadly he was killed in the No. 26 mine on Feb. 24, 1979. Unfortunately I never got to meet him as I wasn’t born til a couple of years later.
Name: David Thomas Sr.
City: Fort Erie
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I must have seen 6 or 7 performances of the Men of the Deep. As a working man myself (Retired) I see the guys I worked with and myself. Dressed as workers, they look like workers. Joining the group at a reception after the Roy Thompson Hall show, dressed in slacks and jackets they looked like doctors, lawyers, clergy, you name it. I always feel so proud to see guys of basic education, hired to dig coal from the ground, proudly standing in their work clothes singing of their lives and families, but doing it so professionally. And this coming from a very necessary class of workers from whom upper levels of society expect little in the lines of culture and intellect. Men of the Deep prove them wrong. John O’Donnell cannot be thanked enough for his recognizing these diamonds in the rough and developing them into “workers with a very professional, proud presentation”. I have never seen a performance where they have not left a tear in my eye from the pride they extrude.
Name: Amanda Long
City: Sydney Mines
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
It is a great pleasure to listen to you all!
Name: Rich shellian
City: Canmore
Province/State: Alberta
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Saw your show a while back, this year is 40 years since the Canmore mines closed, are you in Alberta this year? It’s amazing being a coal miner and watching you come into the hall, close to shedding a tear, there is such a bond betwee miners it’s hard to explain.
Good luck this year , keep the miners alive in your songs
Thanks rich shellian
Name: cyril aker
City: sydney mines
Province/State: nova scotia
Country: canada
Guestbook Entry:
Very moved by the Dec. 5, 2018 story in the Cape Breton Post. What a great tribute to two fine people who offered so much to our society and province, and what better way to celebrate their life achievements than to have the Men of the Deeps doing the honours. My condolances to the family and congratulations to the Men of the Deeps for a job well done. Wish I could have been there.
Name: Sandra
City: Guysborough
Province/State: ns
Country: canada
Guestbook Entry:
Went your Christmas show today (Dec2) in Guysborough. Must say it was the most amazing Christmas concert I have ever been to. Lots of laughs, great music and such great stories. Had a few tears at points during the concert especially near the end, as the stories were told and you sand one of the songs Rita McNeil done with you. Just such an amazing concert. Can’t wait for your next show (been to every one in Guysborough since I moved home).
Name: Marilyn Groh
Guestbook Entry:
Saw you guys on Hometown Hockey last night. You guys are Super!! Thank you for your music.
Name: Doris Barrett
City: London
Province/State: Ontario
Country: CANADA
Guestbook Entry:
Dear Men of the Deeps;
Reading the ‘Cape Breton Post’ I became aware that your musical director, John C. O’Donnell, had died. Please accept my deepest and sincere condolences.
Best wishes and prayers to all of you,
Name: Jean & Dennis MacIntyre
City: Sydney
Province/State: NS
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
The Men Of The Deeps are the most wonderful amazing group of guys! We take every opportunity we can in to go see the Men Of The Deeps! One of our favorite venues is the Louisbourg Playhouse! The men sing with so much passion, making every concert a heartfelt night of song and stories that is so enjoyable. One of my favorite parts is Jim McLellan’s (or Little Jim as he is known) stories and jokes! Nobody can tell a joke like Jim! We look forward to seeing you guys on stage for many more concerts!
Name: Ginny McVarish
City: Boston
Province/State: Massachusetts
Country: USA
Guestbook Entry:
I grew up in the US, but I have cousins who lived in Glace Bay and worked in the mines. I love your CDs but would like even more to see you perform in person. I’m trying to get up to CB, but how about a trip to the Boston States?
Name: Anita Savage
City: Tampa
Province/State: Florida
Country: USA
Guestbook Entry:
My daughter and I visited Cape Breton several years ago and were fortunate to see this group.
Just wish they would tour USA!!!
maybe?? soon??
City: Steinbach, MB
Province/State: Manitoba
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We’ve seen you perform 3 times and it’s always a very special time that brings us to tears. Hope you never stop and we’re planning another east coast trip soon so we’ll be at a show again! Can’t hardly wait.
John + Beth
Name: donnalee
City: ottawa
Province/State: ont
Country: canada
Guestbook Entry:
love all the songs they are relaxing and with joy it a song about everything
Name: Sharon Webster
City: Parrsboro
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I am so impressed with your group. You are very brave men and excellent singers.
Someday I hope to get to see you in person.
Name: Andrew
City: Surrey
Province/State: BC
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We will be in the Maritimes this coming May 2018, first 2 weeks, will you be having a performance then as we want to see your concert. Please let us know as we are planning our itinerary around your concert and are looking forward to it.
Thank you
Name: Daniel Porter
City: Wainfleet
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
My Grandfather and Uncle worked in Sydney Mines, where my Father was raised out on Black Point. Also had an Aunt & Uncle move out to Grande Cache and He worked for the mine in that town. To me it seemed a VERY tough go.
Just bought and listened to “Christmas in the Mine” for the first time, it is Fantastic!
Name: Deb Wright
City: Chatham
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Went to the show last night and loved every minute. The boys gave me a better understanding of what my Pappy and uncles went through working in the number 16 mine. I have never been to a concert when I was made to feel like it wasn’t a concert it WAS a Cape Breton kitchen party. I felt like I was 6 again listening to the wonderful voices of my family singing all the old mining songs. Thanks for the trip down home! I can hardly wait to see you again! God Bless
Name: Valerie Love
City: North Bay
Province/State: ONT
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
i was at the Capital Centre. North Bay on Dec 3rd concert. i have always wanted to see them with Rita MacNeil. but always something happened. and i could not go. i am glad I went. i like how they enter in darkness with their lamps on. it sure was an entrance i never expected. i was sitting in the balcony of the theater with my Aunt. we were singing, dancing, I laughed, i cried. it was emotional at times. i learned thing about mining towns. the stories, (some sad and funny) The harmonizing was amazing. i loved when they sang a song in the dark with only their lamps on. It was beyond words. After the show My Aunt and I talked with some of the men, We spoke to Jimmy (sorry don’t remember last names) he and his friends were very gracious in answering our questions and taking pictures. I have recommended the show to people. i will most definitely see your show again. Love also the Christmas music.
Name: Tanya Jeromel Thorp
City: Mabou born and raised. Now St Catharines
Province/State: NS/ONT
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Sitting here at your St CATHARINES show…
Thank you for bringing HOME to me this year for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all of you ⛏
Name: Deborah Beaudoin
City: Kanata
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Attended the show in Ottawa on December 5th 2017.
It was fantastic!
Thank you for a wonderful night.
You are truly AMAZING!
Name: Gordon Clark
City: Almonte
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We had the pleasure of seeing the Men of the Deeps at Centrepointe Theatre in Nepean last night and hearing a wonderful blend of East Coast music in addition to numbers off their new Christmas album. These gentlemen never disappoint and it was a truly magnificent night for all in attendance. Their wide range of voices, along with their warmth and humour, warmed the whole audience and made us feel that we were at one of those famous “kitchen parties”. Please continue to visit us and remind us of the charm and wit of our Cape Breton kin.
Name: Wendy/Ben Pettella
City: North Bay
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We just returned home from your North Bay Concert. We absolutely loved it!!!!! You guys are AMAZING!!!!
Thank You for a very entertaining evening. We hope you return to North Bay.
Merry Christmas to all!!
Wendy and Ben Pettella
Name: Brian Larkin
City: Sudbury
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I first met the fellows when we were having the closing of the GECO Mine celebrations in Manitouwadge Ontario in 1995, and I was honored to be one of the hosts during their visit. The most moving experience was when we took them for an underground tour to the 4000′ level of the mine. It was the morning of November 11th and just before 11AM John said “gather round, it’s just about 11:00 o’clock and we will have a moment of silence in remembrance for those who fought for our freedom”. After the time of silence, the choir started singing. I can’t remember the songs, but they were appropriate for the occasion. We were in the 4000′ level equipment service garage at the time, and the acoustics were incredible! When we were in the cage (elevator) going back to surface, we turned out all out cap lamps and the fellows started singing. “Come all you young fellows so young and so fine, seek not your fortune in the dark dreary mine….” Myself and other hosts were in tears by the time we got to surface. An experience of a lifetime. I saw the Men a second time in Glace Bay two years later. and am looking forward to seeing the again in North Bay Ontario this evening.
Name: Aline & Dimitri
City: Waterloo
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Today my husband and I enjoyed your concert in Brantford , On. It has been 5 years since we last saw you in Louisburg thanks to Nipper who had 2 tickets waiting for us when we got to the concert hall.
Your Christmas CD is fantastic and look forward to many hours of joyful listening.
Look forward to seeing you all again in the future .
Name: Jennifer McDougall
City: Brantford
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I saw your Nov. 30th show at the Sanderson Centre, it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen there. I enjoyed it a lot. It was very moving, and if you come to Brantford again, I will for sure come and see the show again.
Name: Daniel Porter
City: Wainfleet
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Great music and We LOVE the Christmas album, can I find a CD online anywhere? My Father grew up in the ’30s in Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia and His Father worked in the mines there. My Father went to WWII instead then moved up here to Ontario. We visit “back home” whenever We can.
Name: Shirley Brown
City: Kingston
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Last night I went with my sister, Suzanne, to the most amazing concert by Men of the Deeps choir. I was crying through the last two songs – Working Man and We Rise Again. It was a down home, laid back and at times funny show. You could feel the warmth and genuine character of the men – as well as their sense of humor. If they ever are back in Kingston – do yourself a favour – GO!
To the men of the choir – thank you for continuing the tradition and carrying on without Rita – I know it must be a struggle, particularly performing Working Man – again thank you!
Name: Camilla Dunn
City: Chatham ( originally Sydney Mines)
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I’m so very excited that you are doing a Chirstmas tour and that I will be seeing your performance on December 9th in Chatham, Ontario.
It has been a long time since I last saw you perform ( with Rita and my cousin Kim Dunn).
I’m so looking forward to some ” down home” during this holiday season. Thank you so much!
If I’m able to visit with you before or after the show, I would welcome the opportunity.
Camilla Dunn
Name: Brenda
City: Musquodoboit Harbour
Province/State: ns
Country: canada
Guestbook Entry:
Saw you last evening in Musquodoboit Harbour, (Oct.14/17) Absolutely amazing, a wonderful evening of singing, entertainment, and history.
Name: Carolyn MacKay
City: Westville
Province/State: N.S.
Country: canada
Guestbook Entry:
Just came home from the Merigomish Community Center where The Men of the Deeps performed. WOW!!! I can’t remember ever enjoying myself so much. These men are outstanding and seem so humble . They are really amazing performers and I would go back tomorrow if they were still there. Thank you for a wonderful show “boys” Well done to say the least!!!
Name: Nancy
City: Centennial
Province/State: Colorado
Country: USA
Guestbook Entry:
Caught you on the Celtic Colours live stream – terrific! I would love to hear you in person, maybe someday will have that opportunity. Keep sharing your unique history and music.
Name: Alicia White
City: Steinbach
Province/State: Manitoba
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Thank you for giving me a memory that I will always treasure. Wishing you all the best from one Miner to another! Love you guys.
Name: Loretta
City: London, UK
Country: UK
Guestbook Entry:
Great site, thank you!
If I ever get chance to come see you guys live I’ll definitely do my best!
Name: Brenda Cowbrough
City: Guelph
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I have had the opportunity to see 2 of your concerts at the River Run Centre in Guelph. They were amazing.
Noticed that you are coming to Sanderson Centre in Brantford November 30th. Wondering if you’ll be doing a concert in Guelph, as well?
Guelph misses you!
Name: Ann Appelwiess
Guestbook Entry:
Stunning. Simply stunning. 5 star show.
Name: Shirl Boughner
City: Collingwood
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
nice to see your site up again and really like the sound of a Christmas Recording – hope you are doing a Christmas album and you must put Around the Christmas Tree on it – one of my favourites. Have a great summer guys!
Name: Steve McLaughlin
City: Petrolia
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I have loved Men of the Deeps music for many years and had the great pleasure of seeing their show in Sarnia Ontario years ago. I love their CD’s and play them often. I do hope the men will come to Sarnia again soon !! Keep up the great music guys!!
Name: Karen Conter
City: Halifax
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Just got home from the Cohn Auditorium and Symphony NS’s tribute to Rita MacNeil. What a wonderful evening……..!
Men of the Deep…… are all amazing!!!
If you weren’t there…….you missed a great performance!!
Safe travels, gentlemen, on all your future shows!! You make Nova Scotia, and especially Cape Breton, very proud!!!
Name: Jon Bergson
Guestbook Entry:
Name: Ben Morenzo
Guestbook Entry:
Love the site and music guys, keep it up.
Name: Randy Wolfe
City: Hanson
Province/State: Kentucky
Country: USA
Guestbook Entry:
I just now discovered your music and was quite touched by it. I am a 3rd generation underground coal miner and though I have retired after 38 years in the mines, the people and culture will remain part of my life. Thank you for your music and the stories.
Name: Jason Dolsen
City: Lasalle
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
My grandfather, Lloyd Copeland, and great uncle, Billy Copeland were members.
Name: Karuzo Rodriguez
City: Berlin
Province/State: Berlin
Country: Germany
Guestbook Entry:
nice man, thank you!
Name: Martin Tremblay
City: Quebec
Province/State: Quebec
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Thank you, god bless you
Name: Alfredo Boreas
Guestbook Entry:
It is very inspiring having people who face such difficulties in life being given an opportunity to perform in front of an audience.
Name: Thomas Lavy
City: Miami
Province/State: Florida
Country: United States
Guestbook Entry:
Really enjoyed my time great experience
Name: Gene Scott
Guestbook Entry:
Nice music guys keep up the good work
Name: Earl Leslie
City: Halifax
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Hello Gentlemen,
On behalf of myself, Pam Burton and the Halifax Boys’ Honour Choir we wish you all a Happy 50th Anniversary and the very best for a successful concert tour celebration….THANK YOU for all the wonderful memories!
Hope to see you all again soon!
Earl Leslie
Halifax Boys’ Honour Choir
Name: Jo-Ann
City: Truro
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Men of the Deeps…. voices of my dreams!
Thank you so much for the wonderful concert tonight in Truro… my 89 year old mom and I were so well entertained. It was amazing with the CEC Symphonic Band joining in on some tunes. Wish you much success with your upcoming concert dates… lucky people who get to hear you perform next.
Name: Madeline Young
City: Truro
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
THANK YOU very very much for coming to our school. I sure the band would agree that this was one of the best concerts we’ve played. We loved your songs and stories and jokes. All of us really enjoyed your visit and we hope you come back and visit us again.
Thanks again to each and everyone of you for stopping in truro and joining us in concert
Madeline Young
Cobequid Educational Center Band Program
Name: diane king
City: truro
Province/State: Nova Scotia (NS)
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I just have to say what a wonderful concert in Truro enjoyed it very much .The school band did a great job Kudos to everyone .
Name: Ian Juby
City: Kingston
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
7 years ago I started a men’s choir here in Kingston, the Kingston Capital Men’s Chorus, and on that concert we sang Working Man and the Spring Hill Mine Disaster. Tonight, 7 years later we’re singing Working Man in concert to raise funds for a local food kitchen called Martha’s Table. In May of 2017 we will sing Spring Hill in a concert to celebrate Canada 150 a concert featuring songs written and arranged by Canadian composers.
Thank you for your music!
Name: Douglas A MacLean
City: NEW MINAS (Canaan)
Province/State: NS
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
My family has many friends from the choir from the original group to present. My father (deceased 1958) and Mother (still with us, thankfully!) were from Glace Bay and Dominion. My maternal grandfather worked as a coal weigher and my father worked in the mine briefly. We have seen many concerts and purchased all of the music that the choir has produced that we know of. Every time we see or hear of the choir we think back to our roots in the Cape Breton area and our cottage in Round Island where I spent many summer vacations with my Grandmother and Great-Uncle (a miner for his working life). Please keep up the good music and educating the world of the beauty of Cape Breton Island and the hard, dangerous work in the mines that leads to such camaraderie among the miners.
Name: wayne martin
City: Nanaimo/Glace Bay
Province/State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
403-655 Poplar St,
Name: De Sledge
City: Eddyville
Province/State: KY
Country: United States
Guestbook Entry:
A friend shared a Google search about you guys, and I’ve spent the afternoon listening you bittersweet music. I have a great friend from Coalmont, Tennessee who lost her husband many years ago in a mining accident and what a wonderful group of friends, really more like family, came to her aid with so much love and support. If only we could all be like the mining community, prayers for all of you & your families….Keep up the music, it was awesome!!
Name: wayne martin
City: Nanaimo/Glace Bay
Province/State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
403-655 Poplar St,
Name: Shirl Boughner
City: Collingwood
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
hi guys, hope all is well with all of you. Just had to show you what is playing at our little Gayety theatre. It’s getting rave reviews
Beneath Springhill
This is the incredible story of Maurice Ruddick, “the singing miner,” an African-Canadian who survived nine days underground during the historic Springhill mining disaster of 1958.
Name: Doris Barrett
City: London
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I just received your latest CD: COAL TO GOLD. (Thank you Bill MacPherson for sending it to me.) I enjoyed it so very, very much. Thank you also for including Rita McNeil. Maybe, God willing, you will bless London again, sometime soon, with your presence.
All the best to you and your families,
Name: George & Pat Martell
City: Calgary
Province/State: Alberta
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We were down on vacation in Aug and had to stay until the 16th to attend your concert at the Museum. I must say it brought back great memories as my father Art used to be in the group. What a great concert and know that you will be around for some time to come. Keep up the great singing guys and you will always have a place in our heart.
Name: Shirl, Bob and Adrian
City: Collingwood
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Hi guys, just wanted to say thanks for the “short” serenade on Amazing Race tonight. Good to see Louisbourg again too.
take care,
Name: Fred Young
City: Winnipeg
Province/State: Manitoba
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
My mom was a MacDonald born in North Sydney. Became a flatlander later in life.
One of my favourite places is the museum.
Seen “The Men”. Makes my heart warm.
Name: Leigh McAdam
City: Calgary
Province/State: Alberta
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Thank you so very much for your out of this world performance at the final night of out Travel Media Association Conference (TMAC). Your music made my soul sing.
Name: Andrew Kane
City: Barrie
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you all for bringing your music to the world. My grandfather (father’s side) lived in Glace Bay and worked in the coal mines, and if my memory serves, he likely could have worked side by side with many of the original members of the group. My grandfather died when I was still only 10 or so years old. He died from lung cancer from the mines, I’m sad to say. My father introduced me to your music many years ago and I wanted to take the time to thank you all for creating it.
Specifically, the song Working Man always makes me feel a deep connection to my roots. While I’ve grown up in Ontario the majority of life (my father having moved here to find work to support our family), I’ve always felt a connection to the miners of the island that can only come from one’s heritage.
So once again, thank you for shining a light on the culture I’m so proud to be descended from, and for representing Cape Breton so well globally.
Name: Hjordis Nielsen
City: Oxford
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Sorry to have missed your concert in Springhill on Saturday, (had to work) Understand that you will be performing in Truro as part of your 50th anniversary tour. When and Where will you be, would love to come
Name: Joyce and Joe Vander Kwaak
City: Terrace
Province/State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
4833 McConnell Ave
We thoroughly enjoyed your program in Springhill, Nova Scotia last night. Sadly, we missed Rita. Thought of her continually. T’was a nice tribute to her. We wondered if Stephen Muise was a music teacher. A very talented gent!! Would attend again if you ‘d come to our area??? A smooth, enjoyable night. Thanks.
Name: Maxine Veinot
City: Bridgewater
Province/State: Nova Scotia
Country: Nova Scotia
Guestbook Entry:
WOW!!!! Was Mom and her sister ever pleased with your performance last night in Springhill, NS!
AND I was also pleased and shocked at how GREAT you all can sing!!!
Men of the Deeps – YOU ROCK!!!
Can’t wait for next show we attend!
Name: Natalie Neprily
City: St. Catharines
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I would like to extend my most heartfelt congratulations to The Men of the Deeps on your 50th Anniversary Celebrations. Thank you so very much for including St. Catharines on your recent tour of St. Catharines. We were truly blessed to have you here and I hope you all felt welcomed. The performance was amazing. Stephen Muise, you are a very talented and gifted musician. It was a pleasure to see all the men mingling with the crowd after the performance. It was a pleasure to have an opportunity to meet you. Thank you to Kevin for taking the time to chat with my mom and me. My mom’s dad
in the mines in Timmins. Also, thank you to the kind, handsome, left handed gentleman with the mustache for all the hugs and signing my 50th Anniversary CD, from the “pretty girl” in St. Catharines. I wish you all continued success and hope that St. Catharines makes it on your next tour of Ontario. One request, please add “She’s Called Nova Scotia” as one of the songs you sing. It is my favourite. The Men of the Deeps are wonderful Ambassadors of Cape Breton and of Canada. It makes me proud to be a Canadian.
Name: Dilys Haughton
City: Cambridge
Province/State: On
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We attended you Burlington Ontario concert. It was one of the most memorable concerts we have ever attended. The music was excellent and we learned about coal mining. The support of the choir for each other was wonderful. The stories remain with us, and we continue to listen to our new CD. Thanks for such a wonderful experience.
Name: Karen Holmes
City: Barrie
Province/State: On
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Hi gents. Love your music and I especially love the fact that you used to play with Rita MacNeal. Let me know when your in town next and I’ll check out your concert in my shorts.
Name: Kristen Holmes
City: Holland Landing
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I thought it was Min of the Deeps. Keep on playing boys!
Name: Cyril MacNeil
City: Sussex
Province/State: New Brunswick
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Hi Guys,
I tried to send you an anniversary email this past weekend but I don’t think it went through. I was thinking of you on Saturday & Sunday as you celebrated your 50th Anniversary, what a tremendous achievement and I am honored to have been a very small part of it. Ironically I am writing this email to you from the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver, the same place we had our photo taken with Rita 30 years ago…it was quite a flashback as I walked around this place. Yesterday, May 1 was the 30th anniversary of the start of Expo 86 which is my favorite memory of being with the group. Congratulations to each of you, it has been quite a journey for the group, may it continue for many more years to come.
Name: Cyril MacNeil
City: New Line
Province/State: NB
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
What an amazing ride and I am grateful to havebeen a small part of it. Ironically, I will be in Vancover tomorrow to accept a safety awarsd on behalf of our company. Speaking of Vancouver, I will always remember Tommy & Eddie Tighe on Wreck Beach…somehow their rear ends became sun burned but thats another story.
Name: Steve McLaughlin
City: Petrolia
Province/State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Men of the Deeps came to Sarnia Ontario quite a few years ago now and put on the best musical performance I could have hoped for. Coming from the east coast myself, their music brought “home” back to me. I truly hope we’ll see Men of the Deeps back in Sarnia in the future!!
Name: diane king
City: truro
Province/State: nova scotia
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
would love to see these guys come to truro
Name: Laura Bailey
City: Chatham
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Thank you for a wonderful show on April 14th. Again thank you for your kindness and hugs. You will hold a special place in my heart.
P.S. Hi Bill.
Name: Tara Semperger
City: Windsor
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I was at the Capitol Theatre in Chatham last night to see your performance. You’re a very talented group of men and always put on a great show. Thank you for doing the songs that you’ve performed with Rita MacNeil in the past too … what a lovely tribute 🙂 Steven said that you were possibly looking into coming back for a show around Christmas time in December … I do hope that’s true!
Name: Margaret Stubbert Marcovecchio
City: Kingsville
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
My husband and I enjoyed your show in Chatham last evening. Your music brings out many emotions including respect towards all the men and boys who spent their lives in the mines. My grandfather Robert and many family members were coal miners in Cape Breton and the wonderful tunes that were performed brought back memories, thankyou & Cheers!!
Name: Pat Barr
City: Burlington
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
It was great working with you and hearing you sing in Burlington last night! Most fun I’ve had on a volunteer shift. Thank you for the CD – am listening to it now.
Name: Michele McGuire
City: North Bay
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Thank you for your wonderful concert last night! It was my first time hearing all of you in person and I was thrilled to be invited by a dear friend.
I live in Sudbury, Ontario and although the mining is nickel, the stories and tragedies are the same. My husband, his brothers. Father, uncles, cousins and nephews ..three generations in all, have worked in the nickel mines in sudbury.
When you spoke of the explosion of 1982 it reminded me of the Springhill disaster of 1956. A dear friends father perished in that disaster, when Rose Lynn was a child. His name was Chaisson.
Your songs and stories brought tears to my eyes as I felt the pain and suffering agony of loss that her mother must have felt that day. She was strong and raised her children well. Rose’s brother went on to be a medical doctor and devoted his career to caring for families in his home town, Antigonish, NS.
God bless you all,
Michele McGuire
Name: Louise & Keith MacDonald
City: Orillia
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
We have on many occasions enjoyed men of the deeps and our latest was Friday night April 8th.The
final song brought tears to our eyes as we watched the joy you brought to the young man you brought up on the stage.
We have experience this feeling with our grandson Cody , who also has down syndrome.
Name: Bonney Smith
City: Barrie
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
I attended your show in Barrie last night and it was the most moving performance I have ever had the privilege of seeing. I lost my Dad and my brother-in-law in farming accidents and your performance brought those to mind and highlighted the dangers of working underground in the mines. I applaud you for your courage to have worked in the mines and bringing the story to us in such a moving and remarkable show. You are a tribute to Cape Breton and the work you have done. Thank you for an excellent show!
Name: JimYoungson
City: Granton
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Saw your performance in London On, you guy are great!
Name: karen Maher
City: ottawa
Province/State: ON
Country: Canada
Guestbook Entry:
Saw the concert at Center pointe Apr 5 2016. Wonderful as always. The passion and heart you sing with can be felt in each song. You walk the life of a miner. God Bless. Karen