As part of The Cape Breton Highlanders 150th Anniversary celebrations, the Regiment will host a Highland Ball. Following in the traditions of the Sydney Garrison Military Ball, the Regiment will foster strong ties with the community by inviting them to join a Black-Tie Highland Ball.
The Ball will take place on Oct 1st, 2021, at Sacred Heart Downtown, a converted and reinvented 140-year-old church. The celebration will honour and showcase 150 years of history. The Ball itself features a superb meal, fine wine and a night of entertainment by the Pipes and Drums of the Cape Breton Highlanders as well as music provided by local award-winning entertainers. The exclusive guest list includes prominent residents of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Island itself.
This year’s ball is hosted by the Cape Breton Highlanders Association on behalf of The Cape Breton Highlanders. All proceeds from the Highland Ball will go back to the Association for their scholarship fund.
Registration and Fees:
Registration for this event will be an additional $200 per ticket.
To register, contact